Installation "Elegante Formatierungen", Solo Exhibition at Galerie 1214, Berlin, 2020
Installation "RED BLACK YELLOW", Solo Exhibition at Le Salonplastique, Berlin, 2018
Installation "ON", Solo Exhibition at Drawing Room Hamburg, 2018
Installation "MIND THE GAP", Solo Exhibition
with Frank Maier at LAGE EGAL, Berlin, 2018
Installation "MIND THE GAP", Solo Exhibition
with Frank Maier at LAGE EGAL, Berlin, 2018
Installation "Botschaft", Solo Exhibition
at Botschaft, Berlin, 2018 |
Installation "Crab meets Gap", Solo Exhibition
with Frank Maier at Städtische Galerie, Waldkraiburg, 2018
Installation "Crab meets Gap", Solo Exhibition
with Frank Maier at Städtische Galerie, Waldkraiburg, 2018
Foto: Heiner Heine |
Installation "Crab meets Gap" Solo Exhibition with Frank Maier
at Städtische Galerie, Waldkraiburg, 2018
Installation "CHROMAINTENSITY", Solo Exhibition
at Kienzle Art Foundation, Berlin, 2017
Foto: Eric Tschernow |
"Mural (Untitled)" and "Untitled (blaudynamisch)" 2018
Foto: Bernd Borchardt |
"Jean", 2018
Installation "CHROMAINTENSITY", Solo Exhibition
at Kienzle Art Foundation, Berlin, 2017
Foto: Eric Tschernow |
Installation "CHROMAINTENSITY", Solo Exhibition
at Kienzle Art Foundation, Berlin, 2017
Foto: Eric Tschernow |
Studio view, Berlin, 2017
Installation view "Medium Rare", Galleri Kant, Copenhagen, 2014 |
"Untitled", acrylic, paper on canvas, 160x120cm, 2016
""in between", Installation view Einraumhaus c/o Mannheim, Mannheim, 2016, Foto: Thorsten Mitsch,"Untitled (wallwork)" acrylic, paper, partially ripped in situ,400x390cm, 2016
"Die scheinbare Ordnung der Dinge III" spray, acrylic on newspaper on canvas on Mdf, 63x47cm, 2016 |
Installation view Kunstpunkt, Berlin, 2017
"Abrisse", Koffer, Berlin 2013Photo: Bernd Borchardt |
Jeremy Shaw, Anke Völk, Poul Gernes, La Boum II, Sies + Höke, Düsseldorf, 2006, Photo: Ben Kaufmann |
La Boum I,Galerie Ben Kaufmann, München, 2006, Photo: Ben Kaufmann |
Exhibition view:
"...I'm not happy and I'm not sad", Glue @ Kunstquartier Bethanien, Berlin, 2015. Foto: Eric Tschernow |
"Untitled", acrylic, oil on canvas, 190x115cm, |
Studio view:
"Fragment (Fundstück)", acrylic, oil on aluminium, 189x115x10cm, 2015
"Untitled", acrylic, oil on cotton, rope, 190x115cm, 2014 |
untitled, acrylic on cardboard on MDF, 34x26cm, 2010 |
untitled, acrylic, metallic lacquer, newspaper on cardboard on MDF, 34x26cm, 2010
"Armer Gefährte", acrylic, paper on MDF, 34x26cm, 2010
"Eigene Interpunktion", acrylic, paper, on cardboard on MDF, 34x26cm, 2010
"Eine grimmige Narbe", acrylic on cardboard on MDF, 34x26cm, 2010
untitled, acrylic on cardboard on MDF, 34x26cm, 2010
„Buch der Träume“", acrylic, metallic lacquer, newspaper on MDF, 34x26cm,2010 |
untitled, acrylic, newspaper on cardboard on MDF, 34x26cm, 2009
untitled, acrylic, newspaper, framed, 35,5x33cm, 2010
"Die Strenge deines Weges", aluminium, acrylic, various paper, 198x115x5cm, 2010 |
detail (Die Strenge deines Weges) |
"Zwischen Morgen und Nacht liegt die Geschichte", aluminium, acrylic, various papers, 198x115x8,5cm, 2010 |
"festgebannt", acrylic on cardboard on MDF, painted rope, 63,5x47cm, 2010
untitled, acrylic, paper, 31,5x23,5cm, 2010
"Buch der Träume", acrylic, newspaper on MDF, 34x26cm, 2010
untitled, newspaper, paint marker, framed, 39x29cm, 2010 |
"festgebannt", acrylic on cardboard on MDF, painted rope, 63,5x47cm, 2010 |
"flammend", acrylic, paint marker on cardboard on cardboard on MDF, 34x26cm, 2010 |
."...im beiläufigen Wunsch", acrylic on cardboard on MDF, painted rope, 63x47cm, 2010
"Lob des Schattens",oil, paper,metallic laquer on canvas on MDF, 63x47cm, 2009 |
."Unmögliche Addition",newspaper,acrylic, metallic lacquer on canvas on MDF, 63x47cm, 2009 |
"Einriss", slide projection, size variable, 2010
"Einriss", slide projection, size variable, 2010 |
"Einriss", slide projection, size variable, 2010 |
untitled, various papers, newspaper, acrylic, glue, bamboo, 180x60x70cm, 2008 |
Studio view:
"Untitled", acrylic, oil on canvas, 190x115cm, 2013
"Untitled", acrylic, oil on canvas, 190x115cm, 2013
"Untitled", acrylic, oil on aluminium, 189x115cm, 2013 |
"Chamäleon Lila", l´oiseau présente @ Ballhaus Ost, Berlin, 2013 |